Category: <span>Tea- benefits</span>

Top benefits of lemongrass

Top benefits of lemongrass

In olden time our ancestors loved ‘Lemongrass tea’ as it was a superhero (still it is no doubt) when we were not aware of other herbal teas which are available in the market… Let’s not make this article too long & we shall list the amazing benefits of lemongrass tea which will blow your mind!!...

Spearmint tea- A blessing

Spearmint tea- A blessing

Spearmint, also simply called mint, is in the same family as peppermint but is a different species. The main active ingredients in spearmint are Mint L-carvone and limonene. The leaves are the parts of the plant that are used for their essential oils that contain menthol and flavonoids.These compounds can boost overall health in a...

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