Healthy Mantra

Spearmint tea- A blessing

Spearmint, also simply called mint, is in the same family as peppermint but is a different species. The main active ingredients in spearmint are Mint L-carvone and limonene. The leaves are the parts of the plant that are used for their essential oils that contain menthol and flavonoids.These compounds can boost overall health in a surprising number of ways. Spearmint tea is often considered a sweeter alternative to peppermint tea.

Health benefits of spearmint tea- 

1. Hirsutism & PCOS 

Hirsutism is the condition of a woman having a large amount of dark, coarse hair such as above the lips, on the chin and on the chest and back. It’s caused by having higher levels of male sex hormones. Drinking 2 cups of spearmint tea for a month had lead in reduction of testosterone levels, a male hormone along with other symptoms like acne, infertility. 

2. Relief stress

In spearmint tea one the most powerful active ingredients is menthol which helps to produce a calm & relaxed state. So if you are suffering from chronic anxiety include a cup of spearmint tea it will help to ease your mind & eliminate negative effects of chronic stress hormones from your bosy system. 

3. Indigestion 
Spearmint Tea extends its benefits and goodness in curing digestion related problems. Sip a cup of Spearmint tea after a meal and before going to bed for few weeks to solve the digestion related issues and soon you will be relieved from indigestion. The people who suffering from sound in the night when they sleep, consume a cup of this tea before sleeping for a month.

4. Morning sickness
Morning sickness refers to nausea and vomiting if seen in non-pregnant women, Drinking 1 cup of Spearmint tea daily helps in curing nausea sip it slowly to feel better.It is even common during the first months of pregnancy to be absolutely sure, it%u2019s a good idea to consult your doctor first.

5. Helps to reduce inflammation 
The anti-inflammatory nature of spearmint tea is well-known, and it is commonly used to eliminate headaches and other pain throughout the body, particularly at the joints.This tea has been found effective for both acute and chronic cases of inflammation.Rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, allergic rhinitis and colitis are just few of the inflammatory issues that spearmint can help resolve. 

6. Relief IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) 
Dont let severe abdominal pain and other symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome take a toll on your life.Although there is no cure for IBS, there are things you can do to cope with this condition.Drinking one cup spearmint tea post meal helps in reduction of abdominal pain, flatulence and stool frequency.

How to prepare the spearmint tea ?

Step 1: Put 1 tsp. of dried and ground spearmint leaves or fresh, finely chopped spearmint leaves in a tea cup.

Step 2: Pour 1 cup of boiling water over the spearmint leaves.

Step 3: Steep the tea for 10 minutes.

Step 4: Enjoy the spearmint tea.

Note- pregnant & breast-feeding women’s, it is still a good choice to ask doctor relating to amount before sipping. 

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