Most of us are busy in this day today sedentary life. Tied up with lots of works due to which nobody wants to spend long in kitchen cooking. Here are some few tips which will surely save your time in kitchen. Most important is always pre-plan your week to be more organized. This will helps save your time as well you will not waste much time in thinking what to cook?
- Preparing breakfast? Many of us has less time in morning to cook our first meal. Most favorite is poha & upma. You can simply dry roast poha, mustard seeds, turmeric powder, salt, curry leaves in little oil on medium flame till they slightly toasted. Cool them & store it in an air tight container. It will last for 10-15 days in room temperature. On busy days just saute some veggies in nonstick pan, add this poha mixture, water & your poha is ready. Same can be done with semolina to prepare upma just add Chana dal in the same while roasting.
- Cut the veggies & store them in a zip pouch bag without any air in the bag. It saves time & increase the shelf life of the veggies.
- Freeze tomato purees in the ice cube tray whenever you are making gravy base or any other veggies you can simply add these cubes in the pan directly.
- Want to make fast chicken? You can prepare the chicken by marinating it in desired ingredients store them in freezer. Whenever you want to prepare just thaw at room temperature then grill, steam or bake it.Similarly it can be done with fish as well.
- Remove the skin of the onion & wrap it in cling wrap store in refrigerator it will last for 4-5 days. When you want to add in your food simply remove & cut the same.
- If you are working then this will be best time saver tip for you. Knead little more dough in little more quantity wrap them in cling wrap plastic & refrigerate it in an air tight container. You can use for continuously for 2-3 days.
- Eggs are easiest food ingredient to prepare but how to remove boiled egg shell quickly? Take a glass put boiled egg in it cover the top with your one hand & shake it vigorously, egg shell will easily come out.
- To keep paneer fresh for few days more place it in blotting paper before you refrigerate it.
- Try to cook one pot meal or use cookers to save your cooking time.